“Annual Operating Plan (AOP) means the plan that serves to lay out planned activities and corresponding monetary resources for the fiscal year, measured on a quarterly basis, including, but not limited to, Revenue and EBITDA. The AOP may be revised in the discretion of the Company’s Board of Directors.” 





The meeting was attended by the Board of Directors:

Mr. Nguyen An Vi Nghia – CEO

Ms. Le Nguyen Tue Man – COO

And department heads

The AOP meeting is an important annual event in the company’s strategic management process, aimed at defining goals, plans and financial forecasts for 2024. This is an opportunity for department heads to jointly assess the current situation, set specific goals for the next year to determine implementation measures to achieve common goals:


Business performance assessment in 2023: The management and functional departments reviewed the business indicators against the set plan, analyzed and evaluated the achievements and challenges that the company has faced in the past 2023.


Defining goals and strategies for 2024: Based on the assessment of the current situation, the meeting focused on defining goals and strategies for 2024. The objectives are set in a specific and highly feasible way, in order to enhance operational efficiency and achieve sustainable development for the company.


Proposing operational plans and financial forecasts: The functional departments presented detailed operational plans to achieve the set goals, build the image of ECONS GROUP employees and brand identity. In addition, the financial forecast for 2024 has also been reviewed and released to ensure stability and alignment with the company’s strategic goals.


The ECONS GROUP AOP meeting for 2024 was successful with the active participation of management and functional departments. Defining goals, strategies, and operational plans for 2024 will help the company continue to grow and achieve future success.

ECONS GROUP people are determined to achieve their 2024 goals with the spirit of “BE GREAT TOGETHER”readable English.